22 January 2024

St. Paul’s This Week

January 22, 2024





Jan. 22​6:00 pm NA meeting

Jan. 27 10:00 am AA Meeting

Jan. 28 10:15 am Holy Eucharist


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St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Jeffersonville, IN 47130 



The meeting of the Vestry was called to order at 11:15 AM by Ben Sapp, Senior Warden. Other members of the Vestry present were Charlene McAndrews, Dennis McAndrews , Luke Stifler , Sam Stifler and Larry Basham. Marylee James, church treasurer, was also present. 

The purpose of the meeting was to prepare for the Annual Meeting which will be held 2/4/24. The Vestry discussed having food to share during and after the meeting. Fr Allan is scheduled to celebrate Eucharist at 5 PM on 2/4/24. The Vestry decided to go forward with this celebration to maintain the continuity as Fr Allan will be joining us on the first Sunday of each month. 

For the Annual Meeting: 

• Ben will share the Senior Warden report

• Luke will share the Junior Warden report

• Ben will share the financial report and the proposed annual budget

• Dennis will share updates r/t Sacred Space and Building use

• Pledge cards will be distributed. Charlene will have pledge cards made. 

• The slate for the Vestry, Senior Warden and Junior Warden will be presented for voting by the congregation. 

• The Slate currently is as follows:

- Senior Warden: Marylee James

- Junior Warden: Charlene McAndrews 

- Treasurer: Ben Sapp

- Vestry: Jim Stanton (new) , Charlene McAndrews ( 2nd term) , Dennis McAndrews (2nd term) , Ben Sapp (moving from Senior Warden to Vestry Member) , Marylee James ( Vestry + nominated Senior Warden) , Larry Basham ( Continuing 1st Term), Luke Stifler (2nd Term) , Sam Stifler (Continuing 1st term) 

- Openings exist for up to 5 more Vestry members. The ballot will be open during the annual meeting for nominees. 

Other business:

- Fr Allan will be at St Paul’s Jeffersonville on Wednesday, February 14th from 8 AM to 10 AM to distribute ashes in an “Ashes to Go Service”.  Ash Wednesday services will be available at St Paul’s New Albany. 

- Dennis will call Brendan O’Sullivan -Hale at the Indianapolis Diocese to ask if there is a handout/ information we can share about creative planned giving (via 401K, online donations) 

- The church insurance is due 4/1/24. The expected amount is to be approximately $23,000 per year. Ben is looking at other insurance options. 

- Charlene shared that Jim Stanton suggested the church consider talking more extensively about our mission statement. Jim wondered if we wanted to reconnect and do more with the Center for Lay Ministries, embracing this as our parish service. The Vestry agreed that there needs to be more discussion about our mission. 

- Charlene shared that Larry Basham would like to do the reflection 2/18/24 ;Kate and Sam Stifler will do the reflection 2/25/24 unless Kate has to work then Marylee James will be the backup. 

The next Vestry meeting will be determined after the complete Vestry has been announced during the annual meeting.

The meeting ended with a prayer led by Luke Stifler. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Charlene McAndrews , Vestry Member 




Service Leader: Rev Linnea Stifler

Ushers:  Debbie Tucker and Rob Dziatkowski

Lectors:  Larry and Arlene Basham

Intercessor:  Ben Sapp

Counters:  Mike Nelson and Ben Sapp




Deuteronomy 18: 15 – 20

1 Corinthians 8: 1 -13

Mark 1: 21 – 28

Psalm 111


*** REMINDER ***


The Annual Meeting will be Sunday February 4th at 10:15 a.m. 

A pitch in will follow. Sign up sheet will be in the back of the church.


Please remember we will have Holy Eucharist at 5:00 p.m. also on February 4thwith Father Allan Wallace.


From Charlene McAndrews. Thursday January 25th., The Conversion of St. Paul’s will be happening at St. Paul’s in 

New Albany at 6:00 p.m. There will also be Holy Eucharist.


• It was suggested the monthly Ministry Schedule be included in the Sunday bulletin. Please check your bulletin for February’s copy. If You would like to participate on any given Sunday, please let Charlene McAndrews know. 


• The Parish Directory is in the process of being updated. If you have any address changes to add, please email them to stpaulsjeff@gmail.com and they will be included.







Collection of non-perishable food items for the Center for Lay Ministries.  Place items in redwagon at the side entrance to the church.  They will be taken to CLM at the end of each month.

The top 10 requested items are:

Peanut Butter, Soup, Canned Fruit, Beans, Rice, Tuna, Cereal, Fruit Juice, Pasta, and Canned Vegetables.




PARISH OFFICE HOURS  11:00 am to 4:30pm Monday – Thursday



That's it for this week!  Hope to see you Sunday!

