5 June






Parish Newsletter for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

June 5th, 2023


Thank you, Bart for blessing us with your glorious voice and for leading us in song on Sundays.


It is joyous for us all.





O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for June 11)




Monday, June 5                     6:30      NA in Ed. Wing

Saturday, June 10                   10:00      AA in Parish Hall

Sunday, June 11                          10:15     Morning Prayer (Marylee James)                     




Update from the June 4th Sacred Spaces Meeting:


The meeting on Sunday June 4th was very productive. There were many good ideas introduced. Updating the St. Paul’s Facebook page with information about our congregation being all inclusive was a good suggestion. Painting the feature wall in the Parish Hall was also a suggestion. Also:


Eucharistic Ministry teams visiting Nursing Homes. 


We discussed offering Parish Hall as a venue for family reunions, weddings, receptions, and birthday parties. 


So many good ideas that need to be discussed further. We will keep everyone informed.







The Un-Choir and Bible Study will take a break, and will return in Mid-August.








Morning Prayer is an important aspect of Episcopal worship and invites us to discover God in our midst.  Please consider being a Morning Prayer leader!  

See Jim or Rev. Suzanne.  




This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-ND

 LICENSED LAY EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, Dennis and Charlene McAndrews, remain ready and eager to bring communion to any who are unable to be present at services.  Whether you regularly attend Sunday service but cannot get here for any reason on a given Sunday, or you are homebound and would like to have the Eucharist brought to you once, or on a regular basis, please contact Susan at the church office:  812-282-1108, or stpaulsjeff@gmail.com .




April 23, 2023 


The meeting of the Vestry was called to order at 11:23 by Ben Sapp, Senior Warden. Other members of the Vestry present were Charlene McAndrews, Dennis McAndrews , Larry Basham and  Sam Stifler.  Note Sam’s email: samuelrstifler@gmail.com  Luke Stifler was absent. 

The meeting notes from the previous meeting were reviewed. A motion was made and seconded to accept the notes as written. 

The first order of business was to discuss the upcoming Sacred Space site meeting on April 26th , 2023.  The meeting starts at 3 PM with a tour of the church followed by discussion about our available space. Community members have been invited and will be present at 5 PM.  Snacks will be provided. Charlene, Dennis, Luke, Larryand Ben plan to be present during the meeting. 


Ben shared that our new insurance premium will be $16, 000 per year. The bill could be paid monthly or in a lump sum with money taken from the endowment. The endowment balance is currently $199, 351.  We are also currently talking to a new person to manage the endowment. Ben will be meeting with this individual (Charles Neal) over the next week. There was discussion about paying the insurance bill monthly versus a one-time payment. The decision was postponed until Luke was available for further discussion. 

The Nurturer’s Day Brunch scheduled for 5/21 has been postponeuntil the fall. 


The next meeting will be after church service on May 21, 2023  

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM 

Respectfully submitted,

Charlene McAndrews 

Vestry Member 


PARISH OFFICE HOURS  12 Noon to 4:30pm Monday - Thursday

If you have something you’d like to add to the next newsletter (including a brief update on what you and/or your family have been doing since last we met together)let us know at stpaulsjeff@gmail.com