How Our Faith is Formed

Our faith is formed through our worship, our study and the spiritual practices in which we engage.

Our Sunday worship of God offering thanks for the blessing of life is the center of our life together as a congregation.

We provide opportunities for learning through:

  • Special programs in Advent & Lent
  • Spiritual Companionship Groups
  • An Inquirer's Class for those wanting to know more abut the Episcopal Church, and  how we live out the faith that is in us

And to enhance fellowship and community building we have parish events at various times during the year that bring us together for fun.  We have Hymn Sing Sundays, pitch-in brunch from time to time - especailly on Easter other occasional programs.

The center of an Episcopal life of faith is the life, teachings and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The basic teachings of the church are found in the catechism,  of the Book of Common Prayer.

  • Jesus Christ is fully human and fully God. He died and was resurrected.
  • Jesus gives us an example of abundant life which he promised to those who follow him.
  • We believe God has been revealed as God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. One God descrinbed as the Trinity, "Three and yet one"
  • The Old and New Testaments of the Bible were written by people "under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit." The Apocrypha are additional books that are used in Christian worship, but not for the formation of doctrine.
  • The two primary and necessary sacraments are Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist.
  • Other sacramental rites are confirmationordinationmarriagereconciliation of a penitent, and unction.
  • Episcopalians have an emphasis on fully living out the Greatest Commandment to love God and neighbor, as found in the Gospel of Matthew 22:36-40


How Our Faith is Formed